Ahh, summer is great, don't 'yall think?
So I've read all the Twilight books, they were awesome, very dramatic and lovey-dovey. But Bella is a poo. Js.
I mean, remember the part in Twilight when they're at the forest? And Edward *sighs with starry eyes* shows Bella how much he can actually hurt her? And Bella, the crazy lunatic, keeps on saying, "I'm not afraid of you."??? I mean, COME ON. GET REAL BELLA, HE'S A STINKIN' VAMPIRE!!!
Or the time in New Moon when Edward leaves and Bella keeps hearing his voice in her head, and just to hear him once again, she JUMPS OFF A FRICKIN' CLIFF?!?!?!! She should be locked up in a mental insitution by now.
God, I hate Bella.
And the movies SUCKED!! I LOVED the books. They actually had some depth and feeling into them. But the actors in the movies were so awful I laughed; the lighting was bad, there was no feeling or depth into it at all. It was just empty.
Anyways... have you guys heard of the Twilight Saga Official Illustrated Guide? It's really cool, it has extended info about the Twilight vampires that I've never really known before, plus character profiles with pictures, and not just Bella and Edward and Jacob and all those folks, but other vampires and werewolves too, like Victoria and James and Seth Clearwater. They even have profiles of Bella's human friends and family.
What really interested me was how, when Stephanie Meyer inverviewed another person, she talked about where the idea of Twilight started. She said she often wakes up in the middle of the night at around 3:30, and that's when her vivid dreams start. She dreamed of a boy, inhuman and glittering in the sun (EDWARD!!! Sigh... ♥_♥), standing in a clearing and talking to this normal, average girl (Oh...Bella... :/)... It was really amazing to me. My writing is based on actual stuff that's happened to me, and hers comes from a dream...
Here's the cover. I suggest you check it out from the library or whatever or buy it on Amazon, because it was an awesome, detailed book. The art was really nice too, I'll post some of it as well. :)
Isn't the art beautiful?! OMG, EDWARD IS SOOO HOT IN THIS PICTURE!!! *drools with lovey hearts in eyes*
Welp, gotta go to the grocery store. Mom's orders...
hii emma i am mythlover girl:) i can't believe that someone is a crazzy fangirl of twilight like meeeee! check on my blog and i am sure that we will be great palsss!!